TED Tech

TED Tech

TED Tech

From the construction of virtual realities to the internet of things—technology is changing our world every day. But how can we make sure that the quickly-evolving role that tech plays in our lives is one that builds, empowers, and connects us? Host Sherrell Dorsey guides you through the latest ideas from TED Speakers, uncovering the riveting questions that sit at the intersection of technology, society, science, design, business, and innovation. Listen in every Friday.

Categoria: Tecnologia

Ascolta l'ultimo episodio:

Quantum computers obtain superpowers by tapping into parallel universes, says Hartmut Neven, the founder and lead of Google Quantum AI. He explains how this emerging tech can far surpass traditional computers by relying on quantum physics rather than binary logic, and shares a roadmap to build the ultimate quantum computer. Learn how this fascinating and powerful tech can help humanity take on seemingly unsolvable problems in medicine, sustainable energy, AI, neuroscience and more.

Episodi precedenti

  • 427 - Quantum computers aren't what you think — they're cooler | Hartmut Neven 
    Fri, 06 Sep 2024 - 0h
  • 426 - The TED AI Show: Can AI predict (and control) the weather? w/ Dion Harris and Tapio Schneider 
    Tue, 03 Sep 2024 - 0h
  • 425 - AI that connects the digital and physical worlds | Anima Anandkumar 
    Fri, 30 Aug 2024 - 0h
  • 424 - The TED AI Show: Sal Khan says AI won’t destroy education -- but there’s a catch 
    Tue, 27 Aug 2024 - 0h
  • 423 - Next up for AI? Dancing robots | Catie Cuan 
    Fri, 23 Aug 2024 - 0h
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